Bonus Episode: Helloooo!! Season 2 Premiere Info

Season 2 Premieres August 16th, 2022

The Dream Dealer's Daughter podcast

A bonus episode


I’m Emily Macomber, the author and host of The Dream Dealer’s Daughter. About a week ago, The Dream Dealer’s Daughter was featured by Pocket Casts under their curated list “Fresh Fiction”. And thanks to this feature, I’ve had a HUGE increase in listens and downloads. I’m so grateful to Pocket Casts for featuring my show, and to everyone who is listening.

Since I’ve had a huge increase in listeners, I figured I’d introduce myself and provide some information about season 2.

As far as I’m aware, The Dream Dealer’s Daughter is the only independently produced fiction podcast featured under the Pocket Casts “fresh fiction” curated list. I’ve been talking about my podcast with family and friends a lot this week, and I’ve realized that not many people know what I mean when I say my show is ‘independent’. What this means is, I don’t have a team of people helping me out. This isn’t backed by a studio, and I don’t have a production budget. Most fiction podcasts are produced by studios and teams of people, but I am a one-person team. I write, edit, record, narrate, and take care of the sound design for every episode. I love making these episodes and I’m so glad The Dream Dealer’s Daughter is finding its audience.

For those who don’t know, The Dream Dealer’s Daughter is the first book in a sci-fi fantasy book series I’ve been working on for almost a decade. For most of that decade, I planned on publishing traditionally with a publishing house, but after receiving one too many rejection letters, around 200, I needed to be inspired again. I needed to see the value in this fictional world. I’ve always listened to music while reading, and one day I thought, why aren’t there audio books that have music all throughout? Yes, there are audio dramas and dramatized audiobooks that feature music and sound effects, but for my taste, the music is too faint. I want the music and sound effects to be prominent. So, I taught myself how to record and publish an audiobook that utilizes music and sound effects in a cinematic way. And then I realized I might reach a bigger audience if I made this audiobook available as a free podcast. I do have plans to self-publish the print book this fall.

Because The Dream Dealer’s Daughter is a fiction book that’s been reformatted for a podcast, I’m approaching season 2 of the podcast a bit different than most fiction podcasts. Allow me to explain…

The Dream Dealer’s Daughter is a long book, with 40 chapters and about 130,000 words. So that I could get the podcast out sooner, I decided to split the book into two podcast seasons. The season one finale just aired on august 8th. Before I had this jump in listens, I planned on taking a break between season 1 and 2 so I could spend time writing the second book in the series. But I’m changing that plan and S2 will now premier on August 16th. S2 will follow Nargus through chapters 17 to 40. And the season 2 premiere will be titled: The Ivy Trust | S2 Ch. 17.

To help support me and the show, it would be awesome if you shared that you are listening on social media, follow the podcast wherever you listen, rate and review on apple podcasts, Spotify, and Pocket Casts, and sign up for my mailing list so you are up to date about episodes and additional information.

It can be so tough to find your audience as an independent podcastor. I am SO grateful to be able to share my story with people around the world. I really hope you stick around for S2, and I’ll see you in the next chapter!!!  

Show Description: Traveled time recently? Switched dimensions and are now in need of a new body? You’ve come to the right place. The Dream Dealer’s Daughter will be with you shortly.


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